
Messukeskus, Helsinki


ASM W25 | Osu!

Game: Osu! Starts: Sat, Feb 22nd 2025, 18:00 EET Ends: Sat, Feb 22nd 2025, 22:00 EET

Ilmoittaudu mukaan 5/6-digit Osu! kilpailuun, pelasit sitten tosi paljon tai vaan huvin vuoksi! Kaikki matsit ovat saman päivän aikana ihan normaali Osu! modella, No Modista Double Timeen. Bracketit julkaistaan Assemblyn Osu! Discord kanavalla klo 18:00.

Sign up to the 5/6-digit Osu! tournament, even if you played a lot, or just for fun! All the matches will be held during the same day with the Standard Osu! mode, modifiers ranging from No Mod to Double Time. Brackets will be announced at the Assembly Osu! Discord channel at 18:00.

Info | General Information

  • Place: BYOC tournament at Assembly Winter 2025
  • Prizes: Top 3
  • Format: 1v1 Double Elimination Bracket, BO5 (Final is BO7)
  • PEGI: 13
  • Participation: Computer place at Assembly Winter 25, sign-up and check-in at admin desk required
  • Sign-up: 10.11. - 22.02. 18:00 EET
  • Discord: https://assembly.org/discord
  • Check-in: 22.02 16:00 - 17:50 EET at the admin desk
  • Admins: Vinku, Atno

Miten osallistua | How to participate

By signing up for the tournament the players confirm that they have read, understood and accepted the rules.

1. Login or register
2. Create a profile and list all the information (real name, player nick (osu! name) and computer place number) and Discord ID in the description.

3. Click the signup button on this page (located on the right side bar).
4. Join the Discord server.
5. Check-in at the admin desk when check-in has started.

Aikataulu | Schedule

18:00 - 22:00 -> Brackets

(Breaks can be held if needed, max 15 minutes)

Palkinnot | Prizes

1. Premium Konepaikka Summer 2025 tapahtumaan, 10tlk Red Bull energiajuomaa + pokaali voittajalle
2. 10€ Lahjakortti Puolenkuun pelit, 5tlk Red Bull, diplomi
3. 5tlk Red Bull, diplomi

 Pelin säännöt | Game rules 

  • No modifiers, ScoreV2 for tournament purposes!
  • No offensive names/profile pictures.
  • The only people in the lobby can be the contestants and admins, no outsiders. (3-4 player lobbies)
  • Game mode: Standard
  • Mode: Head-to-Head
  • Win condition: Score
  • The first player to ban is decided by rolling, then the 1st player (higher roll) bans, the 2nd player (lower roll) bans, and then the 2nd and the 1st player (alternating) pick a map until a player reaches the points required to win.

Songs | Kappaleet

 No Mod:

Yorushika - Gogatsu wa Hana Rokushou no Madobe kara [Collab Insane]

bilbordy - slishkom pozdno [insane]

ZAQ - Minor Piece [AsuKo's Insane]

factal - Adrifting On The Celestial Sea [silverboxer's insane]

The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun [Comfort]


senya - Iro wa Jou e to Izanau [Insane]

YUKA NAGASE - Miss Parallel World (Short Ver.) [I I I I I I]

Hard Rock:

Mili - Colorful [Ayesha's Insane]

07th Expansion - Dread of the grave -More fear- [Insane]

Double Time:

ClariS - with you [Hard]

PinocchioP - All I Need are Things I Like [Hatsune Miku's Hard]


Ekcle - Crafted In Ice [Knight's Insane] (FreeMod)


Yleiset säännöt | General rules

The rules apply for all casual tournaments in Assembly Winter 2025.

  • All participants agree to behave in an appropriate and respectful manner to preserve fair play and sportsmanship.
  • All player names, pictures and team names must be appropriate and respectful.
  • All participants must do a check-in at the admin desk with an admin during the tournament specific check-in time to be able to participate in the tournament. Even if you have done a check-in for another tournament earlier, you must repeat it for all the tournaments you are participating in. 
  • Administration of the tournament has the last word in any and all disputes and can make decisions outside the specified rules if needed.
  • The playing participant must be the same as the original sign up. You cannot change the participant after the sign up.


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