Taistele vastustajajoukkuetta vastaan voitokkaasti päästäksesi turnauksessa eteenpäin! Gladiaattorit taistelevat 1.9 PvP:llä, ja turnaus testaa osaamistasi sen jokaisella osa-alueella!
- Place: BYOC tournament at Assembly Winter 2023
- Teams: DUO
- Prizes: Top1
- Format: Single elimination playoff
- Match format: 2v2 BO1
- Participation: Computer place at Assembly Winter 2023, sign-up and check-in at admin desk required.
- Sign-up: Instantly, closes when check-in starts.
- Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/Assembly
- Check-in: 25.2. klo. 16:00-17:00 at the admin desk.
- Admins: MrRockis[MrRockis#0217] | Arttu[Arttu#4497] | Bexya[Bexya#1703] | Hirvi[Hirvi#9797]
How to participate | Osallistuminen
By signing up for the tournament the players confirm that they have read, understood and accepted the rules.
- Login or signup
- Create a team and list all the members of the team (real name, player nick and computer place number) and Discord ID of the captain in a clear way (for example Assembly#2021) to the team's description. Captain needs to be available in Discord during the whole tournament.
- Click the signup button on this page (located on the right side bar).
- Join the Discord server.
- Check-in at the admin desk, check-in time above.
- A video of how to create a team and join a tournament can be seen here.
Ilmoittautuessasi muista ilmoittaa seuraavat asiat;
- Discord-nimi ja tägi
- Konepaikkasi
- Minecraft-nimesi
- Pelaatko Bedrockilla vai Javalla
Prizes | Palkinnot
1-2x Viikonloppu ranneke Assembly Summer 2023 tapahtumaan sekä
1 vuoden KING-rankki Realmi.fi palvelimelle
1-2x päivä ranneke Assembly Summer 2023 tapahtumaan sekä
1 vuoden PRO-rankki Realmi.fi palvelimelle
Lisäksi voittajille tarjotaan myös jokunen Mad Croc energiajuoma!
Schedule | Aikataulu
Pelit alkavat 18:00, jokaisen henkilökohtainen peliaika ilmoitetaan tämän tournaments-sivun "Brackets" välilehdellä.
General rules | Yleiset säännöt
These rules apply for all casual tournaments in Assembly Winter 2023.
- All participants agree to behave in an appropriate and respectful manner to preserve fair play and sportsmanship.
- All player names, pictures and team names must be appropriate and respectful.
- All participants must do a check-in at the admin desk with an admin during the tournament specific check-in time to be able to participate in the tournament. Even if you have done a check-in for another tournament earlier, you must repeat it for all the tournaments you are participating in.
- Administration of the tournament has the last word in any and all disputes and can make decisions outside the specified rules if needed.
Game rules | Pelin säännöt
- Ei tiimiläisen grieffaamista
- Ei epäreilun edun antavia modifikaatioita (Hacked clientit yms.)