This is the casual tournament for Overwatch at Assembly Winter 2021 played on Saturday-Sunday, March 20-21th.
- Place: Online.
- Teams: 32
- Participation: Sign up needed. Minimum of 3 players must be Finnish citizens.
- Format: Groups + single elimination.
- Group stage: Teams will be divided into groups. Matches are BO3.
- Playoffs: Matches BO3 except for the final which is BO5.
- Prizes: See below.
- Check-in: Saturday, March 20th, 14:00--16:45 EET in Discord private chat with one of the admins.
- Discord: (#overwatch)
- Admins: Vinku (Head Admin), Tihvis.
How to participate
- Login or signup.
- Create a team and list all the members of the team. Captain must include their Discord ID in a clear way (For example Assembly#2020) to the description.
- Click the signup button on this page (located on the right side bar).
- Join the Discord server.
- Check-in online, check time above.
1. Assembly computer place ticket x6 + 1 month C More Total x6
2. Assembly weekend ticket x6 + 1 month C More x6
3. Assembly weekend ticket x6 + 1 month C More x6
Saturday, March 20
14:00-16:45 Check-in in Discord private message with an admin
17:00 Group stage starts
21:00 Playoffs start
Sunday, March 21
14:00-18:00 Playoffs continue
18:00 Semifinals, Bronze and Final
General rules
These rules apply for all tournaments in Assembly Winter 2021:
- All participants agree to behave in an appropriate and respectful manner to preserve fair play and sportsmanship.
- All player names, pictures and team names must be appropriate and respectful.
- All participants must do a check-in at Discord during the tournament specific check-in time to be able to participate in the tournament. Even if you have done a check-in for another tournament earlier, you must repeat it for all the tournaments you are participating in.
- Minimum of ten participants in every tournament may be required for the prizes to be paid out in full.
- Failure to adhere to these rules or the game specific rules may lead to a warning or disqualification from the tournament to the player and/or the whole team.
- Administration of the tournament has the last word in any and all disputes and can make decisions outside the specified rules if needed.
- By signing up to the tournament, you affirm that you have read the rules and commit to them.
- Every team must have at least one person on Discord and his whole Discord ID must be marked in the team profile clearly. (For example Assembly#2020)
- Teams can have max 2 substitute players. Remember to add them to your team information!
- Between matches there is a 10 minute break if nessesary. If more time needed, contact and inform the admins.
- Map bans are handled in Discord, between the teams, voice chat recommended. You can also use this map ban website.
- 2.1: Rule set: Competitive (SEUL game rules)
- Streaming the matches is allowed with at least 2 minute delay. Make sure the enemy team is okay with it!
- If the team has a coach, they are only allowed to speak to the team between the matches.
- Players should always try to play to the best of their abilities to win.
- If a player or team has a conflict of interest which could affect their desire to win, they should notify the tournament officials prior to the match.
- After a match, both teams must take a screenshot of the result and send it to the administrator.
If you have any questions before the event, you can contact the head admin in Discord:
Vinku The Penguin#1713
During the event you can reach admins in Assembly’s Discord at #overwatch channel.