This is the casual tournament for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive at Assembly Winter 2021 played on Thursday-Saturday 18.-20.3.
- Place: Online tournament
- Teams: 64
- Format: Single elimination
- Prizes: Top 3
- Discord: (#counter-strike)
- Participation: Minimum of 3 players must be Finnish citizens.
- Login or signup
- Create a team and list all the members of the team and Discord ID of the captain in a clear way (For example Assembly#2020) to the description.
- Click the signup button on this page (located on the right side bar)
- Join the Discord server
- Register your team also to the FACEIT tournament, games will be played on FACEIT's servers
- Check in FaceIt
1. Assembly computer place ticket x5 + 1 month C More Total x5
2. Assembly weekend ticket x5 + 1 month C More x5
3. Assembly weekend ticket x5 + 1 month C More x5
Thu 18.3. Starting from 18:00
Fri 19.3. Starting from 20:00
Sat 19.3. Starting from 17:00 Bronze, Finals BO3
General rules
These rules apply for all casual tournaments in Assembly Winter 2021.
- All participants agree to behave in an appropriate and respectful manner to preserve fair play and sportsmanship.
- All player names, pictures and team names must be appropriate and respectful.
- All participants must do a check-in in discord private message with an admin during the tournament specific check-in time to be able to participate in the tournament. Even if you have done a check-in for another tournament earlier, you must repeat it for all the tournaments you are participating in.
- Minimum of ten participants in every tournament may be required for the prizes to be paid out in full.
- Failure to adhere to these rules or the game specific rules may lead to a warning or disqualification from the tournament to the player and/or the whole team.
- Administration of the tournament has the last word in any and all disputes and can make decisions outside the specified rules if needed.
Register your team also to the FACEIT tournament, games will be played on FACEIT's servers
This tournament is mainly following the rulebook of SEUL which can be found here: SEUL CSGO Rulebook with few changes explained in Special Rules section
- By signing up to the tournament, you affirm that you have read the rules and commit to them.
- Every team must have at least one person on Discord and his whole Discord ID must be marked in the team profile clearly. (For example Assembly#2020)
- Players should always try to play to the best of their abilities to win.
- If a player or team has a conflict of interest which could affect their desire to win, they should notify the tournament officials prior to the match.
Special rules
- Following the rules of latest Valve major, using jump throw bind is ALLOWED.
- All players must record in-eyes demos for all matches.
- Once in the game server, type: record match1_opponent in console, e.g. record match1_ence
- Recording will stop once you quit the server. In case of disconnect during the match, remember to begin a new recording under different name to prevent overwriting the existing file.
- Failure to provide complete and working demo file means losing the map. In case of disconnect(s) during the match, multiple demo files are accepted but every single round played by the player must be recorded.
If you have any questions before the event, you can contact the head admin in Discord.
During the event you can reach admins in Assembly’s discord at #counter-strike channel.