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Assembly Summer 2024 Overwatch 2 FFA

Game: Overwatch 2 Starts: Fri, Aug 2nd 2024, 19:00 EEST Ends: Fri, Aug 2nd 2024, 21:00 EEST

General Information | Info

  • Place: Assembly Summer 2024
  • Players: Min 10.
  • Prizes: Top 3
  • Format: Deathmatch (FFA)
  • Match format: 25 kill limit. 5 matches for everyone. Breaks inbetween matches, one long break to eat.
  • Participation: Computer place at Assembly Summer 2024, sign-up and check-in at admin desk required. 
  • Sign-up: Instantly, closes when check-in starts.
  • Discordhttps://assembly.org/discord
  • Check-in: 02.8. klo. 17:00-19:00  at the admin desk.
  • Admins: JanikaBlaah


How to participate | Miten osallistua


By signing up for the tournament the players confirm that they have read, understood and accepted the rules.



  1. Login or signup
  2. Create a team and list all the members of the team (real name, player nick and computer place number) and Discord ID of the captain in a clear way (for example Assembly#2024) to the team's description. Captain needs to be available in Discord during the whole tournament.
  3. Click the signup button on this page (located on the right side bar).
  4. Join the Discord server.
  5. Check-in at the admin desk, check-in time above.
  6. A video of how to create a team and join a tournament can be seen here.


Prizes | Palkinnot

Huom! Rahapalkintoa varten tarvitset tilinumeron. Mikäli sinulla ei ole omaa tiliä, voit sopia esimerkiksi vanhempiesi kanssa että annat heidän tilinumeron. Muistathan kuitenkin kertoa tästä turnauksen järjestäjälle.

1.Sija 50€ Rahaa, diplomi & muutama Red Bull energiajuoma

2.Sija 30€ Rahaa, diplomi & muutama Red Bull energiajuoma

3.Sija 20€ Rahaa, diplomi & muutama Red Bull energiajuoma

Schedule | Aikataulu


CHECK IN: 17:00 - 19:00

19:00 -> FFA starts

General rules | Yleiset säännöt

These rules apply for all casual tournaments in Assembly Summer 2024.

  • All participants agree to behave in an appropriate and respectful manner to preserve fair play and sportsmanship.
  • All player names, pictures and team names must be appropriate and respectful.
  • All participants must do a check-in at the admin desk with an admin during the tournament specific check-in time to be able to participate in the tournament. Even if you have done a check-in for another tournament earlier, you must repeat it for all the tournaments you are participating in. 
  • Administration of the tournament has the last word in any and all disputes and can make decisions outside the specified rules if needed.
  • The playing participant must be the same as the original sign up. You cannot change the participant after the sign up.

Game rules | Pelin säännöt

  • By signing up to the tournament, you affirm that you have read the rules and commit to them.
  • No teaming.
  • 25 kill limit. 5 matches for everyone. Breaks inbetween matches, one long break to eat.
    • 1st: 9
    • 2nd: 6
    • 3rd: 3
    • 4th or below: 1
  • Breaks last the intended amount. If you're not present when the match is about to start, you will receive 0 points for that match.
  • Streaming the matches is allowed with at least 2 minute delay.
  • Players should always try to play to the best of their abilities to win.

If there are any issues always inform admins.

Failure to adhere to these rules may lead to a warning, round/game loss or disqualification from the tournament to the player and/or the whole team.

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