General Information | Info
- Place: Assembly Summer 2023.
- Teams: 15-30.
- Prizes: Top 3.
- Format: Battle Royale with duo teams.
- Match format: Duo (Best of 4).
- Participation: Computer place at Assembly Summer 2023, sign-up and check-in at admin desk required.
- Sign-up: Until August 4th, 15:45.
- Discord:
- Check-in: Friday, August 4th, 13:00-15:45 at the admin desk.
- Admins: JanikaBlaah, Tihvis
How to participate | Miten osallistua
By signing up for the tournament the players confirm that they have read, understood and accepted the rules.
- Login or signup
- Create a team and list all the members of the team (real name, player nick and computer place number) and Discord ID of the captain in a clear way (for example Assembly#2023) to the team's description. Captain needs to be available in Discord during the whole tournament.
- Click the signup button on this page (located on the right side bar).
- Join the Discord server.
- Check-in at the admin desk, check-in time above.
- A video of how to create a team and join a tournament can be seen here.
Prizes | Palkinnot
- Premium konepaikka W24 x2kpl
- Standard konepaikka W24 x2kpl
- Viikonloppu ranneke W24 x2kpl
Schedule | Aikataulu
Friday 4.8
13:00 - 15:45 Check-in open
16:00 -> (20:00) Qualifiers
* Schedule could be changed based on the game results and team participation.
Scoring | Pisteytys
1st = 10 points
2nd = 8 points
3rd = 6 points
4th-8th points go from 5-1
9th or higher 0 points
* Every kill equals 1 point
General rules | Yleiset säännöt
These rules apply for all casual tournaments in Assembly Summer 2023.
- All participants agree to behave in an appropriate and respectful manner to preserve fair play and sportsmanship.
- All player names, pictures and team names must be appropriate and respectful.
- All participants must do a check-in at the admin desk with an admin during the tournament specific check-in time to be able to participate in the tournament. Even if you have done a check-in for another tournament earlier, you must repeat it for all the tournaments you are participating in.
- Administration of the tournament has the last word in any and all disputes and can make decisions outside the specified rules if needed