Assembly Summer 2023 PUBG Duo FPP
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
Fri, Aug 4th 2023, 18:00 EEST
Sat, Aug 5th 2023, 19:00 EEST
General Information | Info
- Place: Assembly Summer 2023
- Teams: 5-16
- Prizes: If only 5 teams (Top 1) 8 teams or more (Top 3). Minimum of 8 teams are required for the prizes to be paid out in full.
- Format: Battle royale with duo teams (FPP)
- Match format: Duo, single elimination x 2
- Participation: Computer place at Assembly Summer 2023, sign-up and check-in at admin desk required.
- Sign-up: Until August 4th, 17:30
- Discord:
- Check-in: Friday, August 4th, 14:00 - 17:30 at the admin desk.
- Admins: Tihvis, JanikaBlaah, Miek [miekuu]
- Summary: Matches will go as following: Friday 4th there will be 2 rounds of classic PUBG in Erangel map only and both teammates have to screenshot their performance and save it for saturday. These two will be the first games of the tournament and points will be received from kills and placement. Saturday 5th will be finals and another set of 2 Classic PUBG matches, again screenshots of both teammates performance saved and then both days screenshots sent to the admins via discord, then admins count the points received from placements and eliminations. First place is 9 points, second 6 and third 3, one kill equals one point. Games will start at 18:00 and continue to 19:00, but if the games prolong then matches will continue normally until concluded. (its an estimated time and not set in stone if the time happens to run out)
How to participate | Kuinka Osallistua
By signing up for the tournament the players confirm that they have read, understood and accepted the rules.
- Login or signup
- Create a team and list all the members of the team (real name, player nick (Steam or Epic Games Store) and computer place number) and Discord ID of the captain in a clear way (for example Assembly#2023) to the team's description. Captain needs to be available in Discord during the whole tournament.
- Click the signup button on this page (located on the right side bar).
- Join the Discord server.
- Check-in at the admin desk, check-in time above.
- A video of how to create a team and join a tournament can be seen here.
Prizes | Palkinnot
- Premium konepaikka W24 x2kpl & 5 kpl Mad-Croc energiajuomaa
- Standard konepaikka W24 x2kpl & 3 kpl Mad-Croc energiajuomaa
- Viikonloppu ranneke W24 x2kpl & 2 kpl Mad-Croc energiajuomaa
Schedule | Aikataulu
Friday 4.8
14:00 - 17:30 Check-in open
18:00 -> (19:00) Groups
Saturday 5.8
18:00 -> Final matches
General rules | Yleiset säännöt
These rules apply for all casual tournaments in Assembly Summer 2023.
- All participants agree to behave in an appropriate and respectful manner to preserve fair play and sportsmanship.
- All player names, pictures and team names must be appropriate and respectful.
- All participants must do a check-in at the admin desk with an admin during the tournament specific check-in time to be able to participate in the tournament. Even if you have done a check-in for another tournament earlier, you must repeat it for all the tournaments you are participating in.
- Administration of the tournament has the last word in any and all disputes and can make decisions outside the specified rules if needed.
- Cheating in any way is forbidden and will get you thrown out of the tournament.
First place = 9 points
Second place = 6 points
Third place = 3 points
Kills = one kill equals one point (killstealing is bound to happen and is accepted)