This is the BYOC tournament for Hearthstone: Heroes of WarCraft at Assembly Summer 2019 played on Fri, August 2. Participation requires a visitor ticket and your own device at the event. If you participate without a computer ticket, we cannot guarantee internet connection or power sockets for you.
The Premium tournament is the primary Hearthstone tournament for the Assembly Summer 2019 event. A secondary Basic tournament will be held for those who drop out of the Premium tournament during Friday. Checking in to the Basic tournament will disqualify you from participating further in the Premium tournament.
The tournament is sponsored by OMEN by HP.
Place: Helsinki Exhibition and Convention Centre, Helsinki, Finland
Players: 16
Format: Double elimination RO16
Match format: Standard Last Hero Standing (BO5, 4 decks one ban), Grand Final Last Hero Standing (BO7, 4 decks one ban one recall)
Prizes: Products, top3
Discord: (#hearthstone)
Administrators: Discord: Agape#0146 and EetuM#2704; Agape#2173 and Makkis#2216
Participation: Ticket & account required
Check-in: Friday August 2, 16.00--17:55 EET at Casual Admins desk
How to Participate
- Login or signup
- Click the signup button on this page (located on the right sidebar)
- Join the Discord server
- Check-in between 16.00 and 17.55 at Casual Admins desk
- HP OMEN gaming monitor
- HP OMEN Sequencer Keyboard
- HP OMEN Headset 800
Friday 2nd August
16.00-18.00 Premium HS Check-in
18.00-19.30 Premium UB RO16
19.30-21.00 Premium UB RO8 & LB RO8, S1
21.00-22.30 Premium UB Semi-Final & LB RO8, S2
Saturday 3rd August
14.00-15.30 Premium LB RO4, S1
15.30-17.00 Premium LB RO4, S2
17.00-18.30 Premium UB Final & LB RO2, S1
18.30-20.00 Premium LB Final
20.30-22.00 Premium Grand Final
General Rules
These rules apply for all BYOC tournaments in Assembly Summer 2019.
- All participants agree to behave in an appropriate and respectful manner to preserve fair play and sportsmanship.
- All player names, pictures and team names must be appropriate and respectful.
- All participants must add their computer place to their TMS profile.
- All the tournament matches must be played from your own computer place, from your own computer, with the exception of the Hearthstone tournaments in which you can play from anywhere in the venue. We do not have separate areas reserved for players participating in casual tournaments.
- All participants must do a check-in at Casual Admins desk during the tournament specific check-in time to be able to participate in the tournament. Even if you have done a check-in for another tournament earlier, you must repeat it for all the tournaments you are participating in.
- For team games a minimum of 3 players from the team must be present during the check-in.
- Minimum of ten participants in every tournament may be required for the prizes to be paid out in full.
- Failure to adhere to these rules or the game specific rules may lead to a warning or disqualification from the tournament to the player and/or the whole team.
- Administration of the tournament has the last word in any and all disputes and can make decisions outside the specified rules if needed.
- Checking in to the Hearthstone Basic tournament will disqualify you from participating further in the Hearthstone Premium tournament.
- You can sign up in both the Overwatch and Hearthstone tournaments, because the Hearthstone tournament starts only after the Overwatch Group Stage has ended. If you proceed to the late rounds of the Overwatch tournament, you must cancel your participation in the Hearthstone tournament.
- Picks and bans are done on
- Every player must have their and Discord information publicly visible in their Tournaments profile (this site).
- Every player must add Agape#2173 and Makkis#2216 as friends in
- Players may have one deck per class ready (9 decks) - you select 4 decks to play per match and ban one.
- Players may switch decklists between tournament stages and bracket rounds.
- The player who is higher up in the bracket (A) challenges the opponent.
- Exchange screenshots of your challenge screen to make sure the opponent only has 1 deck per class to be used. Use Discord to share images either by drag-and-dropping them in private chat or using the file upload button.
- Decks may be changed between tournament rounds.
- Save a screenshot of the result of every game. Link the screenshots in the match comments (click on match to go to match page) or upload them when reporting results.
- Sign-up by creating an account on this web site, and click Sign-up button from the right. You need to set your battletag when you sign up.
- Notify the admins when you start the BO5 series against your opponent.
- All games may be played immediately when available. Games must be started at least when the schedule says so. If your opponent is not present 15 minutes after the appointed time, take a screenshot of the or Discord chat with your opponent, where you tell your opponent that you are ready for the match. Chat timestamps must be visible. The admins will then attempt to contact the opponent and if that fails, you will be given a default win. In a case where both participants are AFK after 15 minutes and unable to be contacted, the admins will randomize the winner.
- If your opponent closes the challenge window or goes AFK during a series, an admin must be notified. Closing the challenge window will be penalized. Going AFK during a series without notifying the admins results in a forfeited match series after a 5-minute AFK-timer.
- Abusing the default win system by not contacting your opponent immediately when the round starts is considered bad sportsmanship and may be penalized.
- Check-in CLOSES at 17:55 Communication on Discord in You need to be present on the channel during the tournament.
- Admins and your opponent must be notified if you want to leave your seat for a break before your match series starts. The admins can grant or deny your request. You may not leave your seat during an ongoing match series. You can leave your seat without notifying the admins after your match series is concluded and before your next match series starts.
- The timetable can be adjusted during the tournament. Players will receive advance warning of any timetable changes.
- Games must be disputed within 10 minutes of match ending.
- Personal streams of your matches must have at least 3 minutes delay and permission from your opponent.
- If a match ends in a tie, it's counted as a win for both, if it's the final match then it will be replayed with the same decks.
- Using a deck tracker is allowed.
- The cards Whizbang the Wonderful and Zayle, Shadow Cloak are banned from the tournament.
- Players should always try to play to the best of their abilities to win.
- If a player or team has a conflict of interest which could affect their desire to win, they should notify the tournament officials prior to the match.