Assembly Online 2020 Fortnite BR
This is the "BYOC" tournament for Fortnite Br at Assembly Online 2020 played on October 15th-17th. Participation requires a sign up before the event.
Tournament Info
- Place: Online
- Format: Duos
- Prizes: Product prizes, see below
- Participation: Sign up needed, both players must have home address in Finland.
- Sign up: online until 15th October 17:45
- Check-in: Open from October 15th 15:00 to October 15th 19:00 in #Fortnite-check-in at Assembly Discord (Check Pinned messages for HOW TO CHECK-IN)
- Discord:
- Admins: Warde / WardeeX#2751
- In order for the tournament to be held, atleast 10 teams must participate.
- Reminder: Get yourself familiarized with taking a screenshot before the event starts.
How to participate
- Login or signup
- Create a team and list all the members of the team and Discord ID of the captain in a clear way (For example Assembly#2020) to the description.
Remember to add in-game nicknames aswell. - Click the signup button on this page (located on the right side bar)
- Join the Discord server
- Check-in in Assembly discord server using the text channel #Fortnite-check-in
1. 2x JBL Tune750BTNC Over-ear headphone, white
2. 2x CasePower 10000mAh Powerbank, black
3. 2x Sony WI-C200 Bluetooth Headphones, white
If less than 15 teams will compete, there will be only 5 games in total. From those 5 games we get the top 3 of the tournament.
Thursday 15.10.2020
- 19:30 Server testing with all the teams "Practice game" (No screenshots needed as this round will not grant any points)
- 20:15 [2 Initial rounds]; (18 teams) advance to finals
Friday 16.10.2020
- 17:00 [2 Initial rounds]; (18 teams) advance to finals.
Saturday 17.10.2020
- 17:00 [3 Finals]; first 3 teams with the highest scores win
Scores you get from thursday and friday rounds will be added together and 18 teams with highest scores advances to finals. In finales the scores will reset so everyone starts from the same point.
If theres less than 20 teams taking part in the tournament, only 15 teams will advance to finals after initial rounds.
Games will be Duo Mode
- Victory Royale: 10 Points
- 2nd-5th: 7 Points
- 6th-10th: 5 Points
- 11-13th: 3 Points
- 14-15th: 1 Point
- Eliminations: 1 Point is earned for each elimination.
Those who earn a Victory Royale in either game mode will receive a minimum of 10 points. That is without a single elimination, which is very unlikely.
There are four tiebreaker categories before the winner is determined by a coin flip. Tiebreakers will be used for both the overall winner and each individual placement.
- Total points scored
- Total Victory Royales in the session
- Average eliminations per session
- Average placement per match in the session
- Coin flip
Again, the more Victory Royales and eliminations, the better a team will finish. Next, the emphasis is on eliminations. Teams or players who rack up eliminations will receive slightly better compensation. Finally, after points, victories, eliminations, and placements are considered, the winner is determined by a coin flip.
When the game is over team captain must take a screenshot and send it to the Admin in Discord to add the results, otherwise you'll get no points from the game.
- Discord must be kept clean. Spamming, flooding and complaining will be punished.
- Team captains must submit a round-ending screenshot of their performance from every round.
- Any variations to official demo recording (e.g. photoshopped results) will disqualify the whole team.
- Missing screenshots will result in zero (0) points for that round for the whole team.
- Players must be ready to play at [round start], delays will be punished.
- Matches will be played on private tournament servers. Passwords will be distributed per stage via Discord.
- Leaking a password to an outsider results in an immediate disqualification.
- Team Captain must be present and reachable on Discord throughout the rounds' active hours. Delays will be punished.
- All participants agree to behave in an appropriate and respectful manner to preserve fair play and sportsmanship.
- Administration of the tournament has the last word in any and all disputes and can make decisions outside the specified rules if needed.
Reminder: Sadly its still pretty common that team or two cant get into queue before the round starts. Missing one round in the tournament doesnt necessarily prevent your team from advancing to finals.
Game-specific rules
- All the team members and their discord nickname must be listed on team profile
- Each team can have one substitute player for the remaining of the tournament, overall each team can have up to three (3) players
- Team Captains must be present and reachable on Discord throughout the rounds' active hours +-15 minutes
How to join tournament rounds
These steps are for team captain to do.
- Invite your team player to party
- Choose game mode to "Duos"
- Click "Custom options" and insert the code admin has given
- Click accept and both team members clicks on ready.
After these steps you should see text: Matchmaking Queued palyers: ____
If you have this text, you are ready to go, just wait till everyone else joins the que aswell and the rounds will begin.
How to send screenshots
First of all, get familiarized how to take screenshot on your PC / Console before the tournament starts.
Take a screenshot when your team finishes the round. Screenshot must include team placement and eliminations. If you are not able to get a screenshot that shows both players eliminations, both players can take the screenshot.
Failing to send screenshot from played round will result in no points from that round.
Team captain sends both of the screenshots to admin.
When sending the screenshot to admin, use this format:
Team name:
Player 1 eliminations:
Player 2 eliminations:
Team placement:
General rules
These rules apply for all Casual tournaments in Assembly Online 2020.
- All participants agree to behave in an appropriate and respectful manner to preserve fair play and sportsmanship.
- All player names, pictures and team names must be appropriate and respectful.
- Failure to adhere to these rules or the game specific rules may lead to a warning or disqualification from the tournament to the player and/or the whole team.
- Administration of the tournament has the last word in any and all disputes and can make decisions outside the specified rules if needed.